Ans: Generative AI is a type of Artificial intelligence technology that can produce various type of content Including text , Imagery audio and synthetic data. AI is a discipline like physics , AI is a branch of computer science that deals with the creation of intelligent agents which are systems that can reason and learn and act autonomously. essentially AI has to do the theory and methods to build machines that thinks and acts like humans .
Mahine Learning :
in this discipline we have machine learning which is a subfield of AI it is a program of system that trains a model from input data. Machine learning gives computer the ability to learn without explicit programming..
Two of the most common classes of machine learning models are >>>
1) Unsupervised ML Model
2) Supervised ML Model
The key differernt between is that with supervised models we have labels label data is data that comes with a tag like a name a type or a number .. unlabeld data is data that comes with no tag
1. सन 1600 में ईस्ट इंडिया कंपनी भारत आई थी जिसका परमिशन ब्रिटिश की महारानी एलीजाबेथ ने दिया था 2. परमिशन में चार्टर दिया गया था साथ ही मोनोपोली दी गयी थी अलीजाबेत के द्वारा 3. बिटिश ईष्ट इंडिया कंपनी भारत शिप से आई थी जिस शिप का नाम था रेड ड्रैगन 4. भारत में आने के बाद उन्होंने पहली फैक्ट्री 1611 मछलीपटनम में बनाई 5. दूसरी फैक्ट्री 1612 में सूरत में बनाया था 6. फैक्ट्री नियन्त्र के लिए तीन प्रेसीडेंसी बनायीं गयी जो थी बॉम्बे, बंगाल, मद्रास 7. बंगाल का राजा था सिराजुदुल्ला और ब्रिटिश रोबर्ट clive युद्ध किया 1757 ऐसा जिसे battle of plasi कहा गया जिसमें रोबर्ट clive की जीत हुयी 8. कंपनी का rule 1773 से 1858 तक चला था 9. ताज का शाशन था 1858 से 1947 10. Regulating act आया था 1773 में 11. Act of settlement आया था 1781 में 12. भारत परिषद् अधिनियम आया था 1861, 1892, 1909 13. Govt of इंडिया act आया था 1858 में 14. ब्रिटिश सरकार ने 1773 में एक regulating act लाया गया जिसमें बंगाल को हेड बनाया गया जिसे गवर्नर जनरल कहा गया बंगा
Question: How to create without generic Int type Node ? Ans: public class Node { // this is Node class without Generic int data ; // this is for data like array Element Node next ; //Node ek class hai , usi class ka khud ka variable hai, This is Node(Class) Type variable for //Node is basically refer to class , this is for next element Node ( int data ){ // this is constructor bcse user will pass data value and int because we want to create int type data constructor this . data = data ; // this is refer data next = null ; } }
Question: You have made a smartphone app and want to set its subscription price such that the profit earned is maximised. There are certain users who will subscribe to your app only if their budget is greater than or equal to your price. You will be provided with a list of size N having budgets of subscribers and you need to return the maximum profit that you can earn. Lets say you decide that price of your app is Rs. x and there are N number of subscribers. So maximum profit you can earn is : m*x Sample input 1: 30 20 53 14 Output 60 import java . util .*; import java . util . Scanner ; public class solution { public static int maximumProfit ( int budget []) { Arrays . sort ( budget ); // int maxProfit = 0; // // Iterate through each possible subscription price and calculate profit // for (int i = 0; i < budget.length; i++) { // int currentProfit = budget[i] * (budget.length - i); // maxProfit = Mat
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